Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thing 10 -- Working with photos

As I was walking around the library I starting realizing the kind of world we're living in right now. Students were sitting at the computers working on powerpoints, surfing the web, doing current events etc. Most of them were listening to their iPods which amaze me because some of them can hold thousands of songs or movies. last summer I did get a little more technology advanced and moved up from my CD player to a shuffle which is similiar to the iPod but doesn't hold near as many songs. That's ok because I'm completely happy with what I have for the time being and it does hold most my favorite George tunes. I'm sure in time I will advance. I also became addicted to my new digital camera that I got for Christmas. My kids are hoping I'm better at using this then the old fashion camera that I have about 100 + rolls of undeveloped film. It's a slow process but when I look at what we all have done so far in our class (thanks to Myra) it amazes me that I've came this far with so much more to go. :)


Patricia said...

Thanks Lisa! I don't even own a digital camera yet! Most of my pictures are "scanned" in. Can you believe that!? Over X-mas I filed 4
years of hard copy photos in books! But, I think I like this digital stuff much better!

Ms. MaryT said...

you are going to LOVE your digital camera! I like the fact that you can see the photo right away and know if it's okay or not! You save a lot of money by not printing a ton of "mistakes" That's what I used to do, and then most of the pictures went in the trash! this way with the digital you can save pictures on your computer, print the ones you like and keep the rest in....... Flickr! Nice job!

ann said...

Great job on Thing #10! I am getting more comfortable with my digital camera. I was taking my digital card to the store to make my prints, now I know how to organize them online...if I just can keep remembering the different steps on Flickr!

Lu said...

You are doing a fantastic job. I really enjoyed looking over your blog.